I want to learn scripting in Spark AR

Hello guys just wanted to ask, if i were to first try and learn How to script in Spark where do i start? I have very low knowledge on scripting!
But i want to start and learn!! Is there any resource i should be looking at? Or small fun project to do to get grasp of scripting! Thank uuu

I’m in practically the same boat, with barely any experience in scripting. Before the promises fiasco I would have suggested you find any script and try to break it down, that’s mainly how I learned to script on spark. Thankfully their documentation has gotten a bit better with time, they even updated parts of it with the new requirements so going through the docs and dissecting the examples they give you can be a good start.

Official doc for what it’s worth :


Aww !! Thanks will go through it! Prolly update my progress time to time hope ill get good!

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Sohail has some really nice tutorials on his youtube channel!


Awesome thanks!!! Will look into it :persevere::persevere:

Yeah Sohail it’s the best thing I’ve found out. Notice he does games. Maybe someone who knows him better could invite him to this forum? It would be an awesome help for coding questions.
Francesco also does some coding: